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Showing Results: 21 - 30 of 48
RIT United Way campaign collection
Materials related to the annual Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) United Way fundraising campaign. Included are prints, negatives, plaques, awards, and slides of RIT United Way events from 1990-2020. There are also campaign films shown each year to start off the campaign in VHS and DVD for several years. These films highlighted a story about an RIT faculty or staff who was able to take advantage of United Way's services.
RIT Center for Integrated Manufacturing Studies collection
Materials related to the RIT Center for Integrated Manufacturing Studies (CIMS). Includes proposal and dedication of CIMS building.
Kern Program collection
Materials related to the Kern Program at the Rochester Institute of Technology. The endowed program was meant to "stimulate creativity in all areas of the communicative arts." The collection contains documents related to specific programs, as well as to individual Kern professors. Also included are 33 videotapes of various lectures sponsored by the program.
R. Roger Remington video collection
The R. Roger Remington video collection consists of 13 U-matic tapes containing interviews with Remington and history of graphic design videos.
National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID) Administrative records
Nathaniel Rochester Society records and photographs
Records of the Rochester Institute of Technology's Nathaniel Rochester Society (NRS). The NRS was formed in 1967 as a way to recognize the university's top financial contributors each year. The collection includes correspondence, membership lists, programs, invitations, newsletters, meeting minutes, photographs, and various pieces of memorabilia.
RIT Commission for Promoting Pluralism records
The collection contains various records, correspondence, event guides, promotions and reports related to the Commission for Promoting Pluralism at RIT from 1985-2011.
David and Mary Hoysic collection on Sister Marie-Pierre Semler
The David and Mary Hoysic collection on Sister Marie-Pierre Semler contains biographical information about the life of RIT alumna Sister Marie Pierre Semler, and information about her artwork. Materials include a brochure, a biographical essay, a timeline, and an exhibit catalog. Also included is a VHS tape about her work.
RIT Gannett Lecture Series videotapes
The collection consists of videotape recordings of the Gannett Lecture Series held at RIT. The collection contains 191 videorecordings of various lectures sponsored by the program between 1987-2006.
RIT Project EDGE videotapes
A collection of videotapes created by RIT's Educational Technology Center in 1995 to document Project Edge, a program launched with the help of a three-year grant from the National Science Foundation to eliminate discrimination by gender in education.