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Showing Results: 41 - 50 of 94
RIT Freezefest t-shirt and bracelets
T-shirt and silly band bracelets promoting RIT's Freezefest, an annual winter festival held the first weekend in February.
RIT keychains
Keychains promoting RIT and student activity organizations.
RIT ashtrays
Ashtrays promoting RIT and its organizations.
RIT tie tacks and jewelry
RIT tie tacks and jewelry promote the Institute and events.
RIT decals and patches
RIT decals and patches promote the Institute and events.
RIT hats
The collection contains RIT promotional hats and commencement morterboard.
RIT memorabilia (miscellaneous)
Collection contains an assortment of RIT-related memorabilia in various formats, including stamps, bookmarks, pens, and business card holders.
RIT First Year Enrichment promotional materials
Collection contains promotional materials used in RIT's First Year Enrichment program. The program supports student scholastic and social transition from high school to college.
Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute sweater and vest
Collection contains a knit sweater and vest with gray "M" embroidery.
RAMI Domestic Science Department records
The collection includes various documents, clippings, publications, financial records, enrollment records and board meeting information related to the Domestic Science Department at RIT. The collection spans from 1893-1989.