Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 91
Multicultural Center for Academic Success collection
Materials related to the Rochester Institute of Technology North Star Center, renamed the Multicultural Center for Academic Success in 2010. The collection includes photographs, photo albums, and mounted posters from events sponsored by the group.
North Star Center for Academic Success and Cultural Affairs brochures and fliers
Materials related to the Rochester Institute of Technology's North Star Center, renamed the Multicultural Center for Academic Success in 2010. The collection includes brochures, fliers, and an email announcement regarding the office and its activities.
Operation Hi Ball collection
The Operation Hi Ball collection consists of the original 16mm footage of the event, as well as a DVD copy of the film, a slideshow set to music and still photos from the event conducted by RIT photography faculty and students in 1962.
Pathways: A Century of Women at RIT project materials
Pathways: A Century of Women at RIT project materials contains flyers, exhibition cards, and student projects generated for the project. The collaborative project took place during the 2007-08 academic year and culminated in a day-long symposium featuring presentations by students of their papers, poem readings and an exhibition opening.
Peter Stehno collection
Photographs by students of Charles Arnold
Photographs by students of Charles Arnold, professor of photography at Rochester Institute of Technology from 1959-1987.
Photography in Cuba course photographs
The Photography in Cuba photographs consist of twenty-four matted color prints of Havana, Cuba and other small towns, taken by 20 RIT students and faculty during Spring break 2004. In 2016, Photo professor and faculty guide to Cuba deposited additional student photographs from 2004 and also from the 2014 trip.
RAMI Domestic Science Department apron, cooking cap, and bag
Three items from the Department of Domestic Science and Art at the Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute: 1 apron, 1 cooking hat, and 1 drawstring bag.
RAMI Domestic Science Department records
The collection includes various documents, clippings, publications, financial records, enrollment records and board meeting information related to the Domestic Science Department at RIT. The collection spans from 1893-1989.
RIT ashtrays
Ashtrays promoting RIT and its organizations.