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Showing Results: 51 - 60 of 13571

Lili Cassel-Wronker stamp collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: CSC-0010

Stamp collection from calligrapher and graphic designer Lili Cassel-Wronker, including stamp albums, reference material, and currency with graphic images.

Dates: 1858-2006; Majority of material found within 1950 - 1996

Mary Flagler Cary Charitable Trust records

 Collection — Box 1-89
Identifier: CSC-0011

The Mary Flagler Cary Charitable Trust records span the lifetime of the trust, 1968 through 2010, and document the grants given by the Trust, as well as all administrative activities.

Dates: 1897-2010; Majority of material found within 1968 - 2009

Bruce Rogers The Holy Bible photoengravings

 Collection — Box 1
Identifier: CSC-0012

Contains fifty-one photoengraving plates designed by Bruce Rogers used to print 975 copies of The Holy Bible, by A.Colish.

Dates: 1949

Graphic Communications Through the Ages: Kimberly-Clark paintings

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: CSC-0018

The collection consists of 24 paintings illustrating the history methods for illustrating the written word developed between 950 B.C. and the early twentieth century.

Dates: 1966-1971

Press of the Woolly Whale Collection

 Collection — Box 1-10
Identifier: CSC-0023

The Press of the Woolly Whale Collection primarily consists of ephemera issued by the Press of the Woolly Whale between 1928 and 1941, including prospectuses, booklets, invitations, broadsides, holiday cards, certificates, and programs, among other items.

Dates: 1928-1972; Majority of material found within 1928 - 1941

1983 ATypI Working Seminar papers

Identifier: CSC-0183
Overview This collection includes ATypI Working Seminar papers, lecture transcriptions, Visible Language production files, and miscellaneous ATypI organization files. The production files include paste up photographs, original negatives and slides, article mock-ups, correspondence between Charles Bigelow and the lecturers, and mock ups of the actual journal. There are multiple draft copies of each article, as well as the journal. There is also information about other...
Dates: 1976 - 1985; Majority of material found within 1983 - 1985

Chromolithograph product labels collection

 Collection — Box 1
Identifier: CSC-0051

A collection of early 20th century color-printed food, cleaning, and household product labels.

Dates: circa 1900-1960

Amos Paul Kennedy Jr. portfolio

 Collection — Box 1: [Barcode: R0006625297]
Identifier: CSC-0052
Scope and Contents The portfolio contains three series: the Rosa Parks Portfolio, the Freedom Portfolio and miscellaneous. Series I. Miscellaneous, contains two prints, one is a quote by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and the subject of the other is okra.The Freedom Portfolio, Series II, contains prints that state different freedoms that people have, or should have. There are prints that are in English, while the rest are in Dutch. Series III. Rosa Parks Portfolio, consists of prints that...
Dates: 1990 - 2011

William N. Weeden Color Printing Manuscript

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: CSC-0054

The William N. Weeden Color Printing Manuscript is an inventor's hand-written account in 1886 of his discovery of a printing method that produced multi-color printing with one impression. The collection includes color prints generated by the process.

Dates: 1886 - 1886

Stephen Neil Cooper Synchronic Comic Book collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: CSC-0055

A synchronic collection of all comic books that were published in April 1956, put together by Steven Neil Cooper. This collection includes issues with cover dates that would have been available in April of 1956, depending on the publication schedules.

Dates: 1956 April

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Archival Record 13380
Collection 163
Digital Record 20
Unprocessed 4
Digital Object Component 2
∨ more  
Posters 95
Booklets 48
Advertisements 47
Identity Manuals 45
Book design -- United States -- 20th century 43
∨ more
Graphic design 39
brochures 38
Letterheads 37
Correspondence 30
Magazines (periodicals) 30
Tear sheets 30
Book jackets 26
Printing presses -- History 26
Graphic designers -- United States 25
Stores, Retail 25
Typefaces (type forms) 24
Black-and-white prints (photographs) 22
Museums 21
Advertising -- Drugs 20
Platen presses -- History 18
Type specimens 18
Promotional materials 17
Logos 16
Graphic arts -- United States -- History -- 20th century 15
Logos (Symbols) 15
Type and type-founding 15
Type and type-founding -- United States -- History -- 20th century 15
Type designers 15
Annual reports 14
Book cover art 14
Art Museums -- Exhibitions 13
Designers -- United States -- History -- 20th century 13
Exhibition catalogs 13
Letterpress printing 13
Pamphlets 13
Stationery 13
Typography 13
metal types 13
Broadsides (notices) 12
Contact sheets 12
Graphic artists -- United States -- History -- 20th century 12
Slides (photographs) 12
Typographers 12
movable type 12
Ephemera 11
Invitations 11
Publications 11
Amateur periodicals -- New York 10
Commercial art 10
Graphic design -- 1950-1980 10
Photographic prints 10
Roman type -- Specimens 10
Type and type-founding -- Design. 10
Amateur periodicals -- Massachusetts 9
Books 9
Catalogs 9
Greeting cards 9
Sketches 9
Speeches 9
negatives (photographs) 9
Advertising 8
Christmas cards—United States—20th century 8
Design 8
Drawings 8
Dummies (printed matter) 8
Glass plate negatives 8
Graphic arts -- United States 8
Mock-ups 8
Packaging 8
Printers -- New York (State) -- New York -- History -- 20th century 8
Proofs (printed matter) 8
branding 8
Articles 7
Awards 7
Color transparencies 7
Commercial artists -- United States -- History -- 20th century 7
Corporate identity 7
Hotels 7
Illustrations 7
Newspapers 7
Printing -- New York (State) -- New York -- History -- 20th century 7
Wood types (Printing) 7
Amateur periodicals -- Illinois 6
Amateur periodicals -- Pennsylvania 6
Autographs (manuscripts) 6
Black-and-white prints (prints on paper) 6
Clippings (information artifacts) 6
Cylinder presses - history 6
Hebrew type 6
Phototypesetting 6
Postcards 6
Printing -- Specimens 6
Record covers 6
Scrapbooks 6
Stats (copies) 6
Typefounding matrices -- History 6
Advertising photography 5
Amateur periodicals -- Indiana 5
Amateur periodicals -- Missouri 5
Amateur periodicals -- New Hampshire 5
+ ∧ less
English 714
German 42
French 22
Hebrew 18
Japanese 12
∨ more  
Westvaco Corporation 36
Goudy, Frederic W. (Frederic William) 34
American Institute of Graphic Arts 22
Westinghouse Co. 19
Thom, Robert A. 18
∨ more
Village Press 18
Cary, Melbert Brinckerhoff 13
Coggeshall, Howard 13
Continental Typefounders Association 13
Alfred University 12
CBS Inc. 12
West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company 10
Rogers, Bruce 9
Zapf, Hermann 9
Brodovitch, Alexey, 1898-1971 7
Geigy Company 7
American Type Founders Company 6
Avedon, Richard 6
Chappell, Warren 6
Container Corporation of America 6
International Business Machines Corporation 6
Art Directors Club (New York, N.Y.) 5
Cary, Mary Flagler 5
Fortune 5
Kredel, Fritz 5
Mergenthaler Linotype Company 5
Parrish, Douglas M. 5
Press of the Woolly Whale 5
Rand, Paul 5
Remington, R. Roger 5
Rochester Institute of Technology 5
Vignelli, Massimo 5
A. Colish (Firm) 4
Blumenthal, Joseph 4
Cato, Bob 4
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art (1859-) 4
D. Stempel AG Typefoundry 4
Dwiggins, William Addison (W.A.) 4
Harper's Bazaar Magazine 4
Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.) 4
Pankow, David 4
Parrish, George I., Jr. 4
Typophiles (New York, N.Y.) 4
Vandercook & Sons 4
Burtin, Will 3
Cassel-Wronker, Lili 3
Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. 3
DePol, John (1913-2004) 3
Esquire, inc 3
Franklin, Benjamin 3
Goudy, Bertha 3
Grolier Club 3
Gutenberg, Johann 3
Harak, Rudolph de 3
Igarashi, Takenobou 3
Ives, Blakeslee (New York) 3
Jay, John C. 3
Kegler, Richard 3
Morris, William 3
Moyroud, Louis, (1914-2010) 3
Norton, David (1923-2017) 3
Pirman, John 3
Random House (Firm) 3
Seventeen 3
Spiral Press 3
Standard, Paul 3
Type Directors Club of New York 3
Vollbracht, Michael 3
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. 2
American Cancer Society 2
Anderson, Charles S. 2
Bauer Type Foundry 2
Bayer, Herbert 2
Blake, William 2
Carnase, Tom 2
Carnegie-Mellon University 2
Carnes, A. Burton 2
Charlemagne, Emperor 2
Charm 2
Cleland, T. M. (Thomas Maitland), 1880-1964 2
Cohen, Elaine Lustig 2
Coiner, Charles T. 2
Columbia Records, Inc. 2
Columbia University 2
Cooper, Stephen Neil 2
Corning Glass Works 2
Coster, Lourens Janszoon 2
Dansk Designs 2
David, Ismar 2
Dymo Industries, Inc. (1958-present) 2
Edward Rondthaler 2
Emmons, Earl H. 2
Faulconer, Mary 2
Federico, Helen 2
Fourdrinier, Henry 2
Glamour 2
Golden, Cipe Pineles 2
Golden, William 2
Goodman Leeds 2
Harder, Rolf 2
+ ∧ less