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Showing Results: 1 - 10 of 37
Jerry Kelly collection
Collection of materials from designer Jerry Kelly, (1955-). Includes holiday cards, printing proofs, letterheads, type specimens, exhibition catalogs, book designs, and book catalogs.
Elaine Lustig Cohen collection
Collection of materials from graphic designer and artist Elaine Lustig Cohen, including brochures, catalogs, letterhead, and book covers.
Burton Kramer collection
Collection of materials from graphic designer Burton Kramer. Includes extensive client publications: advertisements, posters, letterhead, brochures, and reports, mainly from his firm Kramer Design Associates in Toronto, Canada.
Alvin Lustig papers
The collection consists of examples and photographs of Lustig's design work, writings by and about him, and portrait photographs of him.
Lester Beall papers
Collection of materials from graphic designer Lester Beall. The collection includes client correspondence, client publications, portfolios, and writings on and by Beall. Awards, speeches, exhibitions, business records are also included in the collection.
Spiral Press Collection
The Spiral Press Collection contains ephemera printed by the Spiral Press for various clients, both personal and corporate. Collection is organized by client, and then by genre. Objects include stationery, publications, book jackets, advertising materials, exhibition catalogs, and Christmas cards.
Herbert Feuerhake drawings
The collection contains typeface and lettering designs created for various clients.
Lou Dorfsman letterhead
Series IV contains materials which relate to Lou Dorfsman's personal life, outside of coporate and club responsibilities.
Jutta letterhead, 1999
Fred Troller collection contains materials from the distinguished American graphic designer and educator. It includes a vast amount of material ranging from sketches, mock-ups and proofs along with final printed projects including book jackets, promotional materials, packaging and posters for noted companies such as International Business Machines (IBM), Olympia, Sloan Kettering Hopsital, and CIBA.
Louis J. Boasi letterhead
Fred Troller collection contains materials from the distinguished American graphic designer and educator. It includes a vast amount of material ranging from sketches, mock-ups and proofs along with final printed projects including book jackets, promotional materials, packaging and posters for noted companies such as International Business Machines (IBM), Olympia, Sloan Kettering Hopsital, and CIBA.