Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 91
RIT Auto Repair Club constitution
Constitution of the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Auto Repair Club.
RIT Aviation Club records
Records of the Rochester Institute of Technology's (RIT) Aviation Club. The club was started by RIT students around 1965 for those with an interest in general aviation. The collection includes governance documents, correspondence, financial records, meeting notes, membership information, and promotional materials.
RIT Biology Club constitution and annual report
Constitution and annual report from the Rochester Institute of Technology's Biology Club.
RIT Boathouse dedication coaster
Coaster marking the dedication of the RIT Boathouse in October, 1999.
RIT cafeteria tray
A cafeteria tray from an RIT dining hall circa 1970 - 1974. It was taken by students and used for sledding in the winter. The tray was "returned" to RIT in 2007 by alumnus Brooks H. Bower.
RIT campus ministries collection
Materials related to the religious activities, programs, and organizations on the Rochester Institute of Technology's campus. The collection includes fliers for programs and events, clippings, correspondence, and student groups. There is also information on the school's Center for Religious Life, dedicated in 1985.
RIT Choral Group records
Paper records and compact disks related to choral student groups at RIT.
RIT College Activities Board papers
Collection of materials documenting events held by the RIT College Activities Board, celebrities that preformed at RIT, and personnel of the CAB.
RIT College Alumni Union collection
Materials related to the construction of the College Alumni Union on the Henrietta campus, as well as its use and activities. The facility was built as part of the Rochester Institute of Technology's new campus in 1968 and is now known as the Student Alumni Union. The collection includes publications such as brochures, correspondence, planning documents, printed policies, concert fliers, and clippings. There is also a dedication ceremony guest book and a scrapbook in the collection.
RIT College Union Board collection
Records of the Rochester Institute of Technology's (RIT) College Union Board. A predecessor to RIT's College Activities Board, the group was formed to plan and provide activities and entertainment for RIT's student body. The collection includes board minutes, annual reports, governance documents, and several miscellaneous items.