Showing Collections: 61 - 70 of 142
Patrick Graybill collection
Collection of clippings, photos, and theater posters relating to Patrick Graybill, faculty member at National Technical Institute for the Deaf.
Patti Durr collection on Deaf Theater
Patti Durr collection on Deaf Theatre contains correspondence, clippings, programs, and flyers related to Deaf theater, as collected by NTID faculty member Patti Durr.
Paul A. Miller administrative files
Collection of records kept by Paul A. Miller during his time as president of the Rochester Institute of Technology. The collection includes subject files which contain mostly correspondence and clippings, as well as administrative files for the Rochester Urbanarium project. Also included are files on prominent university benefactors.
Ralph A. Serafine papers
Materials related to Ralph A. Serafine and his wrestling career at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Serafine graduated from RIT in 1933. The collection includes photographs, correspondence, programs, clippings, and various pieces of ephemera and memorabilia from Serafine's time at RIT.
RAMI Domestic Science Department records
The collection includes various documents, clippings, publications, financial records, enrollment records and board meeting information related to the Domestic Science Department at RIT. The collection spans from 1893-1989.
Red Barn collection
Materials related to the Red Barn which is part of the Center for Recreation and Intramurals. The collection contains slides on the outdoor orientation program, clippings from renovation day on October 2, 1982, photographs from renovation day, a video tape on the red barn experience 1982, and three blueprint sketches of the Red Barn.
RIT 125th Anniversary Celebration collection
Materials related to the events surrounding the Rochester Institute of Technology's (RIT) 125th Anniversary. RIT celebrated its 125th anniversary in 1954. The collection includes memorabilia and ephemera such as a sticker and commemorative book, as well as financial records from the 125th Anniversary Fund campaign. Also included are clippings on RIT's history and the development campaign.
RIT 150th Anniversary Celebration collection
Materials related to the Rochester Institute of Technology's (RIT) 150th Anniversary Celebration. RIT celebrated its 150th anniversary in 1979. The collection includes planning documents, letters of solicitation, press releases, ephemera, and news clippings. A large portion of the collection relates to the RIT 150th Anniversary Campaign, a fundraising venture by the university. There are also materials related to the RIT Coast-to-Coast Run.
RIT 1979 Coast to Coast Run collection
RIT Access to the Future Capital Campaign records and media
The RIT Access to the Future capital campaign records consists of paper records that document the establishment and progress of the campaign. Records include news clippings, correspondence, videotapes and promotional materials from 1985-1990.