Showing Collections: 91 - 100 of 163
E. McKnight Kauffer collection
Contains 30 dust jackets, 9 original artworks for dust jackets, 2 black and white photographs of the exhibition installation of Kauffer's work at the Bevier Gallery, RIT and 1 announcement from that exhibition, 10 black and white photographs of posters and magazine advertisements for American Airlines, 1 color reproduction of a poster for the New York Subway, and 1 tearsheet of a magazine advertisement for the Container Corporation of America.
Ken Hiebert collection
Koppermaandagsprinten collection
Collection of 10 broadsides, dated 1840 to 1861. These were printed in Holland by various Dutch printers for their guild's printers' festival day. The event, called Koppermaandag, or "cup Monday," was usually the first Monday after the Christian "Epiphany" holiday in January. Most of the prints honor Laurens Janszoon Coster (ca. 1370-1439), an early inventor of printing. Each features fanciful ornamented borders printed in multiple colors that surround a printed poem.
Ladislav Sutnar collection
The Ladislav Sutnar collection is comprised of correspondence, biographical files, bibliographic files and client files as well as gifts from Elaine Lustig Cohen, and the Smithsonian Institution, Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum.
Leo Lionni papers
The collection consists of bibliographic and client files related to graphic designer Leo Lionni. A large portion of the collection represents his time at Fortune along with his career as an author and illustrator of children's books.
Lester Beall papers
Collection of materials from graphic designer Lester Beall. The collection includes client correspondence, client publications, portfolios, and writings on and by Beall. Awards, speeches, exhibitions, business records are also included in the collection.
Lili Cassel-Wronker stamp collection
Stamp collection from calligrapher and graphic designer Lili Cassel-Wronker, including stamp albums, reference material, and currency with graphic images.
Lou Dorfsman papers
Collection of materials from creative director of CBS, Louis (Lou) Dorfsman. Includes correspondence, photographs, commerical works, and paper materials.
Louis Danziger papers
The Louis Danziger Collection at RIT consists of representative examples of his commericial works from 1949 -1989, including proofs, tear-sheets, posters, exhibition catalogs and various other printed materials. A limited number of bibliographic and biographical documents are also included in the collection.
Louis Moyroud papers
The Louis Moyroud papers are comprised of company records and patent process work documenting Moyroud’s groundbreaking work in the phototypesetting industry. The bulk of the materials are dated between 1974 and 2004.