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Showing Results: 1 - 10 of 16
RIT Ombuds Office records
Correspondence, annual reports, and promotional materials from the Rochester Institute of Technology's Ombud's office.
RIT Residence Halls Association correspondence, newsletters, and other material
Materials related to the Rochester Institute of Technology's (RIT) Residence Halls Association. The Residence Halls Association is a student organization that represents the interests of students living the university's residence halls to RIT's administration. The collection includes correspondence, newsletters, and memorabilia.
RIT Men's Residence Halls' Association correspondence and publications
Materials related to the Men's Residence Halls' Association and its activities. The Men's Residence Halls' Association was a student group that represented the interests of male students living in the dormitories on the Rochester Institute of Technology's campus. The collection includes correspondence and a copy of the group's constitution.
RIT Student Association records
RIT Student Association records contains minutes, correspondence, financial reports, budgets, events, and publications.
Peter Stehno collection
RIT Commuter Association records
Records of the RIT Commuter Association, a student-run organization for students living off-campus. The collection includes correspondence, organization goals, member questionnaires, and a newsletter.
Student drama clubs collection
This collection accrues materials from RIT's student-run theater and drama clubs. It includes administrative and financial documents, correspondence, playbills, promotional materials, rehearsal schedules, advertising, scrapbook, and clippings.
RIT Evening Student Association records
Records of the Rochester Institute of Technology's (RIT) Evening School Association. The collection includes correspondence, fliers, course schedules, newsletters, and other miscellaneous materials.
RIT Spring Weekend collection
Materials related to the Rochester Institute of Technology's (RIT) Spring Weekend, an annual event for members of the RIT community. The collection contains planning documents such as meeting minutes, correspondence, and notes, as well as event programs, fliers, newsletters, a movie about the 1966 Spring Weekend and other promotional materials.
RIT campus ministries collection
Materials related to the religious activities, programs, and organizations on the Rochester Institute of Technology's campus. The collection includes fliers for programs and events, clippings, correspondence, and student groups. There is also information on the school's Center for Religious Life, dedicated in 1985.