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Eisenhart Awards and Eisenhart Memorial Scholarship records and related material

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RITArc-0160

Materials related to the Eisenhart Awards and the Eisenhart Memorial Scholarship such as recipient lists, programs, photographs, and other administrative documents. The collection also includes items related to Richard H. Eisenhart, a former trustee of the Rochester Institute of Technology.

Dates: 1974-2009
Found in: RIT Archives

RIT Women's Network records

 Collection — Box 1: [Barcode: R0006628971]
Identifier: RITArc-0277

Records related to the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Women's Network. The Women's Network was a group started in 1989 by Rhona Genzel. The collection contains correspondence, newletters, meeting minutes, membership directories, promotional flyers.

Dates: 1985-1997
Found in: RIT Archives

RIT Alumni Association records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RITArc-0040

Materials related to the Rochester Institute of Technology's (RIT) Alumni Association and its operations. The collection includes a variety of administrative and financial documents including meeting minutes, committee reports, governance materials, and financial statements, along with publications, surveys, photographs, and other miscellaneous items. Also included are several alumni novelty items such as lapel pins and ribbons.

Dates: 1913-2007; Majority of material found within 1913 - 1979
Found in: RIT Archives

Women's Concerns Group records

 Collection — Box-folder 120
Identifier: RITArc-0448

The Women’s Concerns Group was formed in September 1976 by a group of women faculty and staff at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). The collection contains correspondence, newsletters, meeting minutes and promotional flyers.

Dates: 1977-1980
Found in: RIT Archives

RIT College of Fine and Applied Arts records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RITArc-0492
Overview Materials related to the operations of the College of Fine and Applied Arts (CFAA) at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). CFAA was officially established in 1960, although courses in art and design had been offered since the establishment of the early Mechanics Institute and Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute. The collection includes correspondence, office memos, promotional materials, prize competition information, course/program information, media clippings, and other related...
Dates: 1885-2011
Found in: RIT Archives

RIT Commencement and Convocation collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RITArc-0571

RIT Convocation and Commencement records include planning documents, speakers addresses, and programs from 1892 to present. The collection includes paper records, photographs, videotapes, DVDs, and digital files.

Dates: 1892 - 2024
Found in: RIT Archives

RIT College of Business collection

 Collection — Box 1: [Barcode: R0006629327]
Identifier: RITArc-0594
Overview This collection contains records from the RIT College of Business. The contents of this collection document the history from 1950 to the early 2000’s. This collection includes the following: promotional materials, news clippings, announcements, memorandums, a chronological history of the College of Business, and the college’s publication, the Business Bulletin. There is also comprehensive documentation of the Herbert W. VandenBrul Entrepreneurial Award from...
Dates: 1950-2007; Majority of material found within 1960 - 1995
Found in: RIT Archives

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  • Subject: Administrative records X
  • Subject: Programs (documents) X

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Clippings (information artifacts) 3
Correspondence 3
Minutes 3
Announcements 2
Memorandums 2
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Rochester Institute of Technology -- Funds and scholarships 2
Eisenhart Awards for Outstanding Teaching 1
Eisenhart Memorial Scholarship 1
Eisenhart, Elsa Bausch 1
Eisenhart, M. Herbert 1
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Eisenhart, Richard H. 1
Eisenhart, Virginia (Virginia Cotins) 1
Fram, Eugene H. 1
Genzel , Rhona B. 1
Herbert W. VandenBrul 1
Hogadone, Edwina B. 1
McKechnie-Lunger School of Commerce 1
National Association of Schools of Art and Design 1
Richard and Virginia Eisenhart Provost's Award for Excellence in Teaching 1
Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute 1
Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute -- Curricula 1
Rochester Institute Of Technology. Saunders College of Business 1
Rochester Institute of Technologoy. Women's Concerns Group 1
Rochester Institute of Technology -- Alumni and Alumnae 1
Rochester Institute of Technology -- Awards 1
Rochester Institute of Technology -- Commencement ceremonies 1
Rochester Institute of Technology -- Students 1
Rochester Institute of Technology. Alumni Association 1
Rochester Institute of Technology. Board of Trustees 1
Rochester Institute of Technology. College of Business 1
Rochester Institute of Technology. College of Fine and Applied Arts 1
Rochester Institute of Technology. College of Imaging Arts and Sciences 1
Rochester Institute of Technology. Department of Art and Design 1
Rochester Institute of Technology. Office of the Provost 1
Rochester Institute of Technology. School for American Crafts 1
Rochester Institute of Technology. School for American Craftsmen 1
Rochester Institute of Technology. School of Art and Design 1
Rochester Institute of Technology. Women Together 1
Rochester Institute of Technology. Women's Network 1
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