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Imagine RIT Innovation and Creativity Festival planning and promotional materials

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RITArc-0320

Scope and Contents

The collection consists of promotion and planning materials for the Imagine RIT festival held each year in May. This includes posters from each year of the event which can be found in the RIT Poster collection.


  • Creation: 2007-2024

Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open to researchers.

Biographical / Historical

Imagine RIT: Innovation and Creativity Festival is a campus-wide event that showcases the innovative and creative spirit of RIT students, faculty and staff. Visitors experience the breadth and depth of RIT through interactive presentations, hands-on demonstrations, exhibitions, and research projects set up throughout campus. Inflatables, games and multiple performance stages with live music and entertainment are geared towards visitors of all ages. The festival was instituted by RIT president William Destler in 2008. Held annually each spring, Imagine RIT is the kickoff to Rochester’s festival season


0.5 Linear Feet (3 Document boxes, 1 small lid box)




Imagine RIT Innovation and Creativity Festival promotional and planning materials include t-shirts, brochures, and other items regarding the festival. Each year memorabilia is added to this collection.


Collection is arranged by year and format.

Other Finding Aids

In addition to this finding aid, an inventory is available below. For more information, please contact the RIT Archive Collections.

RIT Imagine Innovation and Creativity Festival promotional materials

Immediate Source of Acquisition

The Imagine RIT Innovation and Creativity Festival collection was gifted to the RIT Archives by Associate Archivist Jody Sidlauskas and Archives Assistant Erin Dinolfo in May 2011. Additional materials were donated by David Pankow.

Accession number(s): 11:36; 2012:025; 2012:037; 2013:026; 2013:024; 2014:048; 2015:053


Materials will be added to this collection annually after the festival occurs in May.

Related Materials

Processing Information

Finding aid created by Amy Vilz in November 2011.

Imagine RIT Innovation and Creativity Festival planning and promotional materials
RIT Archives
Amy Vilz
23 November 2011
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script
Language of description note

Revision Statements

  • 11/11/2024: Added holographic magnet from 2017 (2019:078), and postcards from 2021
  • 2/26/2025: Added 2025:029- 2024 posters and postcards from 2021-2024

Repository Details

Part of the RIT Archives Repository

Rochester NY 14623 USA