Showing Collections: 51 - 60 of 1190
Arthur J. Plouffe collection on RIT Fencing
The Arthur J. Plouffe collection on RIT Fencing contains photographs and newclippings about the RIT women's and men's fencing teams between 1953-1965.
Artists Print! portfolio
A group of twelve international printmakers were invited to use the RIT College of Art and Design printmaking studio for the "Artists Print!" event from May 15-21, 2022. They spent the week working with faculty, students and alumni to create mono-prints. This collected portfolio documents the work made during the event.
ASL Lecture Series collection
Collection of American Sign Language lectures on DVD and the posters advertising the series, created, produced, and developed by National Technical Institute for the Deaf at Rochester Institute of Technology.
Athenaeum/OSHER records
Materials related to The Athenaeum/OSHER, a continuing education program for retirees at the Rochester Institute of Technology. The collection includes promotional material, course schedules, newsletters, and clippings, committee reports, correspondence.
Athletics and Recreation Department collection of sports memorabilia
Collection of items from 1980-2012 transferred by Greg Moss,of the RIT Athletic's Department. Most items are related to men’s and women’s hockey, although the collection also spans the JP Morgan Chase Corporate Challenge, Brick City weekend programs, the Jim Kelly Football Camp held on RIT’s campus in the 1990s, a couple of cross country items, and miscellaneous tchotchke items.
Athletics and Recreation Department collection on Hale-Andrews Student Life Center and RIT Hockey
Collection of materials deposited by Greg Moss, Director of Department of Athletics and Recreation at RIT that document the development and construction of the first student life center and field house on campus through photographs, records, some blueprints and a specification manual. Also included are newsclippings documenting the 2009 men's and women's ice hockey season, and a tiger mascot costume affectionately named "Grandpa Ritchie," and the recreational "bubble."
Audio Visual Services records
Materials related to Audio Visual Services department at Rochester Institute of Technology. The collection contains a proposal for an instructional materials library in 1969, lists of educational film preview showings, and information for the faculty and students regarding usage of audio visual equipment.
Austin J. Bonis papers
Austin J. Bonis papers collection includes materials related to Bonis and his tenure as a teacher of statistics and probability at RIT during the 1970s.
Australian Theatre of the Deaf t-shirts
Collection of t-shirts promoting the Australian Theatre of the Deaf.
B. Thomas Golisano collection
The B. Thomas Golisano collection contains correspondence, photographs, clippings, and ephemera related to Mr. Golisano's business, Paychex, his family and personal life, and his philanthropy and community service. In addition to materials generated by Golisano, the collection also contains newspaper clippings and printed materials from institutions he interacted with both personally and through his B. Thomas Golisano Foundation.