Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 1190
Alexey Brodovitch collection
The collection contains correspondence, photographs and contact sheets for various clients, cassette tapes from classes Brodovitch taught, and exhibition materials from reowned art director Alexey Brodovitch.
Alfred L. and Ruby C. Davis Scholarship collection
Collection contains clippings on the establishment of the Alfred L. and Ruby C. Davis Scholarship, with lists and images of recipients of the scholarship.
Alfred L. Davis papers
The Alfred L. Davis papers contain correspondence, photographs, awards, and clippings. Materials mainly document his seventy year career with Rochester Institute of Technology, including his posts as vice president for development and public relations, and administrative secretary to RIT’s Board of Trustees.
Alice Woodward Interview digital audio recording
Recording of an interview with Alice Woodward conducted by Gladys Taylor on July 30, 1985.
Alling M. Clements oil paintings
A collection of three oil paintings by artist Alling M. Clements. One painting depicts a seascape with a rowboat in the foreground, one painting is of summer cottagest and The largest painting is titled "Winter Pines," and is a painting of three pine trees in a winter landscape.
Alvin Lustig papers
The collection consists of examples and photographs of Lustig's design work, writings by and about him, and portrait photographs of him.
Amateur Newspapers collection
Collection of 1,300 issues representing over 500 titles of amateur newspapers published in the latter half of the nineteenth century.
American Institute of Graphic Arts RIT Student Group promotional materials
Materials related to the American Institute of Graphic Arts RIT Student Group and its activities. The collection includes a newsletter and promotional materials such as fliers and a postcard.
American Society for Engineering Education at RIT records
American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) conference at RIT contains four items collected during the Engineering-Images for the Future conference in June 19-23, 1983. Items include a t-shirt, a button, and two wooden cubes inscribed with ASEE RIT 1983.
American Type Founders Company Bodoni Drawings
The American Type Founders Company Bodoni Drawings collection contains original working drawings used in the design and manufacture of the typeface ATF Bodoni released in 1909.