Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 163
Frans Wildenhain artwork
Frans Wildenhain artwork consists of ceramic pieces, a mural, and an oil painting. Wildenhain was on the faculty in the School for American Crafts at RIT from 1950-1970.
Fred Michael Beam watercolor
Collection consists of one artwork by BlackDeaf artist Fred Michael Beam, titled Through Deaf Slave's Eyes.
Fred W. Smith biographical files on the RIT Board of Trustees
Biographical materials for over 150 members of the Rochester Institute of Technology's (RIT) Board of Trustees. Most of the board members represented in the collection served during the 1980s and 1990s. The collection also includes resources from the board's annual conference held during July 2001.
Fred W. Smith papers
Papers of Fred W. Smith, a former Secretary of the Institute and Assistant to the President at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Smith worked at RIT from 1971-2008. The collection includes biographical material, copies of Smith's papers and presentations, correspondence, and administrative information for select projects.
Frederick E. Walrath pottery
The collection contains 2 pieces of pottery made by artist Frederick E. Walrath.
Gallery R collection
Gallery r exhibits and promotional materials consists of posters, invitations, mailers, fliers, and exhibit schedules; as well as photographs, slides, marketing plans, clippings, news releases and a history of exhibitions at gallery r. The gallery is student run and administered by the School of Art of the College of Imaging Arts and Sciences at RIT.
Glenn Kist papers
Professional papers of Dr. Glenn Kist, a former interim Dean in the Rochester Institute of Technology's College of Liberal Arts. The collection includes correspondence, notes, reports, proposals, forms, policies, brochures, fliers, clippings, and other miscellaneous records.
Gordon Hope Grant artwork
Gordon Hope Grant artwork contains 5 lithographs and 1 watercolor painting. Grant is known for his maritime subjects.
Harry Bertoia sculpture
Harry Bertoia sculpture contains a set of 7 dandelions, 3 planters, and 1 wall sculpture. Bertoia's dandelions were part of the Eastman Kodak pavilion at the 1964 New York World's Fair.
Ho-Jeong Jeong ceramic
Ho-Jeong Jeong ceramic collection consists of one artwork titled Drip-I. Jeong is a former Rochester Institute of Technology student.