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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 11

Collection of Compact Portable TDD, NTID Deaf Professionals Group newsletters and NICD bookmarks

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RITDSA-0148

Collection of three items received from RIT NTID librarian, Joan Naturale. The portable TDD was one used by Naturale, the bookmarks she collected, and the newletters were given to her by her brother, Tony Naturale who was a writer for the newsletter.

Dates: 1990-1999
Found in: RIT Archives

Collection of telecommunication devices for the deaf (TDD) modems

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RITDSA-0079

Three examples of telecommunication devices for the deaf from the 1980's.

Dates: 1985-1988
Found in: RIT Archives

Harry Lang research materials on TTY development and Robert Weitbrecht

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: RITDSA-0091
Overview The collection includes Harry Lang's research papers on inventor of the TTY, Robert Weitbrecht, as well as videotapes of interviews conducted by researcher Harry Lang for his book about the history and development of the TTY, communication device for the deaf and hearing impaired, A Phone of Their Own: The Deaf Insurrection Against Ma Bell,Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University, 2000. There are also two typescripts of an early version of ...
Dates: 1998-2000
Found in: RIT Archives

John Ratcliffe collection of communication devices for the deaf

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RITDSA-0155

Collection of communication and noise alerting devices for the deaf used by donor John Ratcliffe throughout his life. Items included are doorbell signals, flashing lights, vibrating devices, and Telecommunication devices for the deaf (TDDs) that assisted those living without hearing.

Dates: circa 1955-2015
Found in: RIT Archives

Larry Scott collection of deaf studies publications

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: RITDSA-0084

This collection consists of a NTID publication titled Speechreading Strategies, Teletypewriters Made Easy! by Teletypewriters for the Deaf, Inc.

Dates: 1939-1963, 1974, 1984
Found in: RIT Archives

Lee Brody New York-New Jersey Phone-TTY collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RITDSA-0008

The Lee Brody New York-New Jersey Phone-TTY collection documents New York-New Jersey Phone-TTY, a company founded by Lee Brody to provide telephone accessibility for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community. The collection contains business records, clippings, newsletters, photographs and TTY (teletypewriter) and technology equipment.

Dates: circa 1969-1989
Found in: RIT Archives

NJ - NY PC Deaf Connection records

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: RITDSA-0081

The collection contains a history of NJ-NY (New Jersey New York) Phone - TTY (Teletypewriter) Inc., its by-laws, various letters requesting donations, and meeting minutes for the organization.

Dates: 1992-2003, 2005-2009
Found in: RIT Archives

Raymond Kenney collection of ESAD and RTCAD records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RITDSA-0168

The Raymond Kenney collection of ESAD and RTCAD records spans Raymond T. Kenney's time in General local and national organziations, RTCAD, RCAD and ESAD.These positions produced paperwork such as administrative materials, flyers, TTY supply booklets, correspondence with in and to other organizations and multiple testimonals from court cases.

Dates: 1970-2007
Found in: RIT Archives

Robert H. Weitbrecht and James C. Marsters TTY modem

 Collection — Carton: 1
Identifier: RITDSA-0075

The Robert H. Weitbrecht James C. Marsters TTY modem collection contains two metallic boxes with electronic circuitry inside that made up the acoustic telephone coupler (now known as a TTY modem) used by Dr. James C. Marsters in the first TTY telephone call between two deaf persons (May 1964).

Dates: 1964
Found in: RIT Archives

T. Alan and Vicki T. Hurwitz collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RITDSA-0134

Alan and Vicki Hurwitz were both employed at National Technical School for the Deaf (NTID) for many years. In 2013, they left to work at Gallaudet University. This collection includes several devices for communicating with the deaf, several coffee mugs from different events at NTID and cookbooks from different deaf schools across the U.S.

Dates: 1971-2007
Found in: RIT Archives

Filtered By

  • Subject: Telecommunications devices for the deaf -- United States -- History X
  • Subject: Teletypewriters X

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Teletypewriters 10
Deaf -- Means of communication 8
Correspondence 3
Deaf -- History 2
Deaf -- New York (State) -- Rochester 2
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National Technical Institute for the Deaf 4
Brody, Lee 2
Hurwitz, T. Alan 2
Hurwitz, Vicki T. 2
Lang, Harry G. 2