Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 14
David M. Spindel photographs and posters
Creations of David M. Spindel, an American photographer. The collection includes posters and photographs created by Spindel, many of which are signed. Most of the items in the collection focus on baseball memorabilia, although there is an image of John Lennon and a sample of Spindel's rebuses.
Gallery R collection
Gallery r exhibits and promotional materials consists of posters, invitations, mailers, fliers, and exhibit schedules; as well as photographs, slides, marketing plans, clippings, news releases and a history of exhibitions at gallery r. The gallery is student run and administered by the School of Art of the College of Imaging Arts and Sciences at RIT.
Gene and Helen Federico collection
Herb Gray collection on Zeta Tau fraternity
The paper records of the Herb Gray collection on Zeta Tau fraternity contain pledging posters, membership materials, planning documents, organizational records, the constitution, invitations to anniversary banquets, memos and correspondence. Also included are a Zeta Tau drinking mug.
The handmade composite of members of the RIT Zeta Tau fraternity in 1969 contains oval shaped photographs of each of the 24 identified members cut and pasted to a poster board.
John Retallack Colleagues portraits
The John Retallack Colleagues portraits consist of fifteen black-and-white portraits of RIT faculty. The portraits are 13 x 11 inches and each is matted. Also included is a 32 x 24 inch poster printed with 6 of the portraits used in the book, Colleagues.
Kevin Nolan photographs and papers
Materials found in the Kevin Nolan photographs and papers relate to the National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID) drama club from 1968-2008. Kevin Nolan was a student at NTID from 1968-1971 and was one of the founders of the NTID drama club. This collection includes photographic prints in black and white and color, newspaper clippings, programs, and scripts from various productions.
Lester Beall papers
Collection of materials from graphic designer Lester Beall. The collection includes client correspondence, client publications, portfolios, and writings on and by Beall. Awards, speeches, exhibitions, business records are also included in the collection.
Multicultural Center for Academic Success collection
Materials related to the Rochester Institute of Technology North Star Center, renamed the Multicultural Center for Academic Success in 2010. The collection includes photographs, photo albums, and mounted posters from events sponsored by the group.
RIT College Activities Board papers
Collection of materials documenting events held by the RIT College Activities Board, celebrities that preformed at RIT, and personnel of the CAB.
RIT Gamma Epsilon Tau records and photographs
The collection consists of records documenting the founding of Gamma Epsilon Tau at RIT in 1955 and continuing to the present.