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Showing Collections: 61 - 70 of 104

Office of Alumni Relations collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RITArc-0720

Collection of materials related to events held by the department of Alumni Relations from approximately 1980-2018. Much of the collection is photographic materials documenting events - prints, CDs, negatives, DVDs and photo books. Most all is identified by event and year with some unidentified.

Dates: circa 1980-2018
Found in: RIT Archives

Operation Hi Ball collection

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: RITArc-0553

The Operation Hi Ball collection consists of the original 16mm footage of the event, as well as a DVD copy of the film, a slideshow set to music and still photos from the event conducted by RIT photography faculty and students in 1962.

Dates: 1962
Found in: RIT Archives

Paul Rankin collection of Frans Wildenhain sketchbooks and slides

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RITArt-0069

The Paul Rankin collection of Frans Wildenhain sketchbooks and slides contains four books of sketches done by Mr. Wildenhain in the 1970's, approximately 154 slides of his sculptures, pots, and murals, several books and publications relating to the Bauhaus in Germany, Marguerite Wildenhain, and crafts, some in German.

Dates: circa 1965 - 1985
Found in: RIT Archives

Peter Berg artwork

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RITArt-0067

Photographs and etchings by RIT student Peter Berg. Berg attended RIT in the 1970s.

Dates: 1972-1976
Found in: RIT Archives

Ralph M. Hattersley collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RITArc-0150

Collection of materials related to Ralph M. Hattersley, a former professor of photography at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). The collection consists primarily of contact sheets and negatives, but also includes some pieces of correspondence.

Dates: 1965-1986
Found in: RIT Archives

Red Barn collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RITArc-0666

Materials related to the Red Barn which is part of the Center for Recreation and Intramurals. The collection contains slides on the outdoor orientation program, clippings from renovation day on October 2, 1982, photographs from renovation day, a video tape on the red barn experience 1982, and three blueprint sketches of the Red Barn.

Dates: 1970-1999
Found in: RIT Archives

Richard D. Zakia papers

Identifier: RITArc-0746

The Richard D. Zakia papers are a compilation of materials relating to RIT, photographic arts, and notable photographers. The bulk of the collection is dated between 1962 and 1989, though many materials are undated.

Dates: 1921 - 2010; Majority of material found within 1962 - 1989
Found in: RIT Archives

Richard H. Eisenhart photo album of the M. Herbert Eisenhart Memorial tapestry

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: RITArt-0078

Richard M. Eisenhart photo album of the M. Herbert Eisenhart Memorial tapestry contains 12 color and black-and-white 8 x 10 inch photographs documenting the creation of Lesna Fantasja, a tapestry by Donald G. Bujnowski. There is also a program from the dedication on January 12, 1977, and a writing about the artist.

Dates: 1975-1977
Found in: RIT Archives

RIT 1979 Coast to Coast Run collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RITArc-0568
Overview RIT 1979 Coast to Coast Run collection documents a cross-country run that took place as part of the celebration of RIT's 150th Anniversary. The collection contains new clippings, negatives, a pennant signed by each of the runners, the baton carried by runners, VHS videotapes, and a DVD that recounts the event. Eleven current and former RIT track members along with their coach, Peter Todd, started their run in Los Angeles, California with the intention of breaking the Guinness Book of World...
Dates: 1979
Found in: RIT Archives

RIT Archive Collections records and photographs

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: RITArc-0596

RIT Archive Collections records and photographs contains records, correspondence, news clippings, and photographs about the creation and history of the archives at RIT. The RIT Archives Collection was founded as RIT Archives in 1960.

Dates: 1958-2013; Majority of material found within 1958 - 2013
Found in: RIT Archives

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  • Subject: Photographs X

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RIT Archives 89
Cary Graphic Arts Collection 14
Image Permanence Institute 1
Slides (photographs) 32
Black-and-white prints (photographs) 29
Color photographs 28
Correspondence 24
negatives (photographs) 23
∨ more
Clippings (information artifacts) 14
Posters 14
Video recordings 10
Photography -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- Rochester 9
Deaf -- Education (Higher) -- New York (State) -- Rochester 8
Deaf college students 7
Memorandums 7
Student activities -- New York (State) -- Rochester 7
Universities and colleges -- Alumni and alumnae 7
Art in universities and colleges -- New York (State) -- Rochester 6
College students -- New York (State) -- Rochester 6
Designers -- United States -- History -- 20th century 6
Documentary photographs 6
Photograph albums 6
Promotional materials 6
Scrapbooks 6
Sketches 6
Administrative records 5
Black-and-white photography 5
Class reunions -- New York (State) -- Rochester 5
College sports -- New York (State) -- Rochester 5
Color slides 5
Deafness -- Drama 5
Exhibition catalogs 5
Minutes 5
Photographers -- New York (State) -- Rochester 5
Rochester Institute of Technology -- History 5
brochures 5
Art students -- New York (State) -- Rochester 4
Articles 4
Awards 4
Color transparencies 4
Commercial art 4
Composite photographs -- 1960-1970 4
Deaf -- History 4
Deaf -- New York (State) -- Rochester 4
Deaf artists 4
Deaf culture 4
Drawings 4
Graphic artists -- United States -- History -- 20th century 4
Graphic design -- 1950-1980 4
Greek letter societies -- New York (State) -- Rochester -- History 4
Mock-ups 4
Publications 4
Stats (copies) 4
Tear sheets 4
Typographers 4
Academic libraries -- New York (State) -- Rochester 3
Advertisements 3
Advertising 3
Art -- Exhibitions -- New York (State) -- Rochester 3
Audiotapes 3
Black-and-white prints (prints on paper) 3
Classrooms -- New York (State) -- Rochester 3
College buildings -- New York (State) -- Rochester 3
College campuses -- New York (State) -- Rochester 3
Constitutions 3
Deaf -- Means of communication 3
Deaf -- Social life and customs 3
Deaf, Theater for the -- New York (State) -- Rochester 3
Dummies (printed matter) 3
Ephemera 3
Graphic designers -- United States 3
Logotypes 3
Magazine covers -- United States -- History -- 20th century. 3
Pamphlets 3
Photographic prints 3
Portraits 3
Programs (documents) 3
Reports 3
Typography 3
Women college students -- New York (State) -- Rochester 3
Women photographers -- New York (State) -- Rochester 3
Advertising -- Drugs 2
Anniversaries 2
Annual reports 2
Art -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- Rochester 2
Betacam (TM) 2
Biography files 2
Book jackets -- United States -- 20th century 2
Booklets 2
Books 2
Buildings -- Design and construction 2
College benefactors -- New York (State) -- Rochester 2
College publications 2
College student orientation -- New York (State) -- Rochester 2
Commercial artists -- United States -- History -- 20th century 2
Commercial artists -- United States -- Interviews. 2
Contact sheets 2
Corporation reports 2
Curriculum planning -- New York (State) -- Rochester 2
DVDs 2
Dance photography 2
Deaf -- Education 2
+ ∧ less
National Technical Institute for the Deaf 12
Rochester Institute of Technology. School of Photographic Arts and Sciences 8
Rochester Institute of Technology -- Photograph collections 7
Rochester Institute of Technology -- Students 7
Rochester Institute of Technology 5
∨ more
Zakia, Richard D. 5
American Institute of Graphic Arts 4
Rochester Institute of Technology -- Faculty 4
Ellingson, Mark 3
Gallaudet University 3
International Business Machines Corporation 3
Rochester Institute of Technology. National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Communications, Marketing, & Multimedia Services 3
Rochester Institute of Technology. Wallace Memorial Library 3
Spindel, David 3
Abbott, Berenice 2
Adams, Ansel 2
Baird, Chuck 2
Barley, Bill 2
Brodovitch, Alexey, 1898-1971 2
Burtin, Will 2
Bush, George 2
Carnase, Tom 2
Castle, William E., Dr. 2
Clinton, Bill, 1946- 2
Clinton, Hillary Rodham 2
Cochran, George 2
Davis, Alfred L. 2
Eastman Kodak Company 2
Eisenhart, Richard H. 2
Fortune 2
Frisina, D. Robert 2
Geissinger, Michael 2
Hattersley, Ralph 2
Hurwitz, T. Alan 2
Johnson, June 2
Langone, James A. 2
Mechanics Institute (Rochester, N.Y.) -- Students 2
Morgan, Barbara Brooks 2
Morgan, Willard D. (Willard Detering) 2
Mulligan, Therese 2
Neblette, C. B. (Carroll Bernard) 2
Newhall, Beaumont 2
Nilsen, Chris, Ph.D.,P.E. Professor Emeritus (F.) 2
Nolan, Kevin J. 2
Page , David A. 2
Peres, Michael 2
Raco, Thomas 2
Rochester Institute of Technology -- Alumni and Alumnae 2
Rochester Institute of Technology . National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Drama Club 2
Rochester Institute of Technology. Alumni Relations 2
Rochester Institute of Technology. College of Fine and Applied Arts 2
Rochester Institute of Technology. College of Imaging Arts and Sciences 2
Rochester Institute of Technology. College of Imaging Arts and Sciences. School of Photographic Arts and Sciences 2
Rochester Institute of Technology. Department of Photographic Technology 2
Rochester Institute of Technology. National Technical Institute for the Deaf. NTID Performing Arts 2
Rochester Institute of Technology. RIT Athletics. Sports Information 2
Rochester Institute of Technology. School of Photography 2
Rochester Institute of Technology. Student Affairs. Center for Campus Life (Greek Affairs) 2
Simone, Albert J. 2
Taylor, Sally 2
Type Directors Club of New York 2
Typophiles (New York, N.Y.) 2
Upjohn Company 2
Walls, A. Stephen (Albert Stephen) 2
Abbott Kimball 1
Abrams, Sam 1
Adweek 1
Agha, Mehemed Fehmy 1
Ahrenkilde, Sven 1
Albers, Josef 1
Alliance graphique internationale 1
Allner, W. H. (Walter H.) 1
American Cancer Society 1
Angelo, Valenti 1
Arnheim, Rudolf 1
Arpag, Bekir 1
Art Directors Club (New York, N.Y.) 1
Association Typographique Internationale 1
Avedon, Richard 1
Backus, Charlie 1
Baily, Margaret 1
Baker, Robert (Robert Knight Baker), 1948-2019 1
Barres, Pam 1
Bates, Bruce B., 1932-2021 1
Baudelaire, Paul 1
Beard, Lloyd 1
Beatles 1
Beck, Makini 1
Behnke, Ned 1
Benguiat, Ed (Ephram) 1
Benjamin, Mark 1
Bennett, Roger 1
Benson, John 1
Benton & Bowles 1
Berg, Peter 1
Biehler, Raymond 1
Bigelow, Charles A. 1
Bills, Karen Anne 1
Blades, William 1
Bleach, Gordon (Phillip) 1
+ ∧ less