Showing Collections: 91 - 91 of 91
Student drama clubs collection
Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: RITArc-0111
This collection accrues materials from RIT's student-run theater and drama clubs. It includes administrative and financial documents, correspondence, playbills, promotional materials, rehearsal schedules, advertising, scrapbook, and clippings.
Found in:
RIT Archives
Filtered By
- Subject: College students -- New York (State) -- Rochester X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- College students -- New York (State) -- Rochester 76
- Student activities -- New York (State) -- Rochester 17
- Correspondence 16
- Women college students -- New York (State) -- Rochester 16
- Students -- Services for -- New York (State) -- Rochester 14
- Promotional materials 12
- Artifacts (object genre) 10
- Clippings (information artifacts) 10
- Newsletters 8
- T-shirts 8
- Administrative records 7
- Constitutions 7
- Fliers (printed matter) 7
- Photography -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- Rochester 7
- Art students -- New York (State) -- Rochester 6
- Dormitories -- New York (State) -- Rochester 6
- Buttons (information artifacts) 5
- Memorabilia 5
- Posters 5
- Universities and colleges -- New York (State) -- Rochester 5
- Universities and colleges -- New York (State) -- Rochester -- History 5
- brochures 5
- College buildings -- New York (State) -- Rochester 4
- College student government -- New York (State) -- Rochester 4
- Home economics -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- Rochester 4
- Minority college students -- New York (State) -- Rochester 4
- Minutes 4
- Mugs 4
- Publications 4
- Scrapbooks 4
- Annual reports 3
- College sports -- New York (State) -- Rochester 3
- College student orientation -- New York (State) -- Rochester 3
- DVDs 3
- Hats 3
- Programs (documents) 3
- Universities and colleges -- Alumni and alumnae 3
- African American college students 2
- Biology -- Societies, etc. -- New York (State) -- Rochester 2
- Black-and-white prints (photographs) 2
- CD-ROMs 2
- College campuses -- New York (State) -- Rochester 2
- College publications 2
- Color photographs 2
- Color slides 2
- Composite photographs -- 1960-1970 2
- Documentary photographs 2
- Dormitory life -- New York (State) -- Rochester 2
- Ephemera 2
- Evening and continuation school students -- New York (State) -- Rochester 2
- Gay college students -- New York (State) -- Rochester 2
- Greek letter societies -- New York (State) -- Rochester -- History 2
- Hispanic American college students 2
- Jackets (garments) 2
- Lecture notes 2
- Memorandums 2
- Military education -- New York (State) -- Rochester 2
- Multiculturalism -- New York (State) -- Rochester 2
- Parades -- New York (State) -- Rochester 2
- Photography -- New York (State) -- New York 2
- Plans (reports) 2
- Proposals 2
- Reports 2
- Rochester (N.Y.) -- History -- 20th century 2
- Slides (photographs) 2
- Spring festivals -- New York (State) -- Rochester 2
- Student life 2
- Student life -- Recreation 2
- Textile fabrics 2
- Tote bags 2
- Universities and colleges -- Faculty -- New York (State) -- Rochester 2
- Universities and colleges -- Social aspects 2
- Women -- Housing -- New York (State) -- Rochester 2
- Women in higher education -- Social aspects -- United States 2
- Women photographers -- New York (State) -- Rochester 2
- Academic costume 1
- Advertisements 1
- Alternative education -- New York (State) -- Rochester 1
- Announcements 1
- Application forms 1
- Aprons (protective wear) 1
- Art -- Societies, etc. -- New York (State) -- Rochester 1
- Art -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- Rochester 1
- Ashtrays 1
- Automobiles -- Maintenance and repair 1
- Bags (generic containers) 1
- Carnivals -- New York (State) -- Rochester 1
- Catholic college students -- New York (State) -- Rochester 1
- Ceramics -- New York (State) -- Rochester -- 20th century 1
- Charms 1
- Choral societies -- New York (State) -- Rochester 1
- Christian college students -- New York (State) -- Rochester 1
- Classrooms -- New York (State) -- Rochester 1
- Clothing 1
- College athletes -- United States 1
- College chaplains -- New York (State) -- Rochester 1
- College freshmen -- New York (State) -- Rochester 1
- College planning -- New York (State) -- Rochester 1
- College presidents -- West Virginia -- Morgantown 1
- College sports for women 1 + ∧ less
- Names
- Rochester Institute of Technology -- Students 45
- Rochester Institute of Technology -- Societies and clubs 20
- Rochester Institute of Technology -- History 8
- Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute -- Students 7
- Rochester Institute of Technology -- Student housing 7
- Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute 6
- Rochester Institute of Technology 6
- Rochester Institute of Technology. School of Photographic Arts and Sciences 6
- Rochester Institute of Technology -- Photograph collections 4
- Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute -- History 3
- Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute. Department of Domestic Science 3
- Rochester Institute of Technology. College of Applied Science and Technology 3
- Rochester Institute of Technology. Student Affairs. Student Government 3
- Destler, William W. 2
- Fennell, Marie K. 2
- Mechanics Institute (Rochester, N.Y.) -- Students 2
- National Technical Institute for the Deaf 2
- Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute -- Faculty 2
- Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute. Department of Home Economics 2
- Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute. Retailing Department 2
- Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics’ Association. Department of Household Arts and Science 2
- Rochester Institute of Technology -- Faculty 2
- Rochester Institute of Technology -- Staff 2
- Rochester Institute of Technology Spring Weekend (1956) 2
- Rochester Institute of Technology. College Activities Board 2
- Rochester Institute of Technology. College Alumni Union 2
- Rochester Institute of Technology. College Union Board 2
- Rochester Institute of Technology. College of Fine and Applied Arts 2
- Rochester Institute of Technology. Kate Gleason Hall 2
- Rochester Institute of Technology. Multicultural Center for Academic Success 2
- Rochester Institute of Technology. North Star Center for Academic Success and Cultural Affairs 2
- Rochester Institute of Technology. Office of Minority Student Affairs 2
- Rochester Institute of Technology. Student Association 2
- Simmons, Rebecca 2
- Zakia, Richard D. 2
- Ambrogi, Patti, Professor 1
- Andrews, Ezra Randall 1
- Arnold, Charles 1
- Baily, Margaret 1
- Baptist Student Union (Rochester Institute of Technology) 1
- Barley, Bill 1
- Beck, Makini 1
- Bertoia, Harry 1
- Blanchard, Annette (Shapiro) 1
- Bliss, Mary 1
- Bower, Brooks 1
- Brill, Barbi 1
- Butts, Bertha E. 1
- Cage, Byron 1
- Carson, Jackie 1
- Castle, William E., Dr. 1
- Catholic Campus Parish (Rochester Institute of Technology) 1
- Cochran, George 1
- Cooper, Mary-Beth 1
- Cuba 1
- Davis, Alfred L. 1
- Defibaugh, Denis 1
- Dell, Betsy 1
- DuBois, Dawn (Tower) 1
- Dychko, Douglas J. 1
- Edwards, Charles G. 1
- Eisenhart Awards for Outstanding Teaching 1
- Eisenhower College 1
- Ellingson, Mark 1
- Farnsworth, David 1
- Geissinger, Michael 1
- Giopulos, Peter 1
- Gray, Herbert H. 1
- Gregory, Dick 1
- Haefner, Jeremy 1
- Hillel Foundation (Rochester Institute of Technology) 1
- Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship (Rochester Institute of Technology) 1
- Johnson, June 1
- Lane, Darci 1
- Langone, James A. 1
- Lare, Barbara (Brill) 1
- Larkin, Dan 1
- Lenox China (Firm) -- History 1
- Lent, Tina Olsin 1
- Lutheran Campus Ministry (Rochester Institute of Technology) 1
- McQuillan, Laura Funnell 1
- Mechanics Institute (Rochester, N.Y.) 1
- Mechanics Institute (Rochester, N.Y.) -- History 1
- Miller, Paul A. 1
- Moesel, Virginia A. 1
- Mulligan, Therese 1
- Muslim Students' Association (Rochester Institute of Technology) 1
- Nicoletti, Marian 1
- Olmos, Edward James 1
- Pankow, David 1
- Philleo, Winifred 1
- Phillips, Blanche A. 1
- Plouffe, Arthur J. 1
- Provenzano, Sue 1
- Randall, John A. (John Arthur) 1
- Rickmers, Albert D. 1
- Rochester Area Colleges 1
- Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute -- Administration 1
- Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute -- Alumni and Alumnae 1
- Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute -- Charters 1 + ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more

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