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Showing Results: 81 - 90 of 163
Ken Hiebert collection
Lou Dorfsman papers
Collection of materials from creative director of CBS, Louis (Lou) Dorfsman. Includes correspondence, photographs, commerical works, and paper materials.
J. Tom Morgan manuscript
The J. Tom Morgan manuscript contains a complete paste-up manuscript of Morgan's book, "Kiss Impressions: My Love Affair with Lithography," dated 1982. This book was published in Rochester, New York by Rochester Institute of Technology in 1983. The collection also contains the final published edition of the book.
Earl H. Emmons collection
The Earl H. Emmons Collection spans the period from 1920 through 1945 and contains his writings and more than 280 glass plate negatives, both of which document his interest in and devotion to the American type designer Frederic W. Goudy. The collection is divided into three series: Writings, Maverick Press Publications, and Photographs and Negatives.
Univers Typeface Drawings
Cathy Dillon research papers
The Cathy Dillon Research Papers consists of the notes and research compiled by Cathy Dillon, in an effort to identify the photoengraving blocks housed in the collection, Photoengravings used in The Inland Printer, circa 1918-1937.
Photoengravings used in The Inland Printer
Photoengravings used in The Inland Printer, circa 1918-1937 contains printing blocks of images that have appeared in various issues of the periodical, The Inland Printer. The majority of the blocks is related to the history and trade of printing, and is identified as appearing in the periodical. Others are unidentified and not confirmed as being used in the periodical.
Bonner Paper Sample collection
The paper samples collection contains assorted materials from various paper making companies, most of which are based in the United States. Materials come in the form of bound books, kits, folders and single pages.
Wells College Book Arts Center Broadside Collection
Collection of broadsides from Wells College Book Arts Center. It includes posters and poem printed in the past 18 years.
James Rasmussen Collection of Printing Gauges
This collection contains twenty eight paper and plastic gauge tools used in printing, and two books relating to offset lithography.