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Showing Results: 21 - 23 of 23
Raymond Kenney collection of ESAD and RTCAD records
The Raymond Kenney collection of ESAD and RTCAD records spans Raymond T. Kenney's time in General local and national organziations, RTCAD, RCAD and ESAD.These positions produced paperwork such as administrative materials, flyers, TTY supply booklets, correspondence with in and to other organizations and multiple testimonals from court cases.
PAH! Deaf TV collection
The PAH! Deaf TV collection contains VHS tapes and DVD recordings of various programs created and produced by NTID students, presented in American Sign Language (ASL). The programs in this collection were made between 1994-1999.
ASL Lecture Series collection
Collection of American Sign Language lectures on DVD and the posters advertising the series, created, produced, and developed by National Technical Institute for the Deaf at Rochester Institute of Technology.