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Showing Results: 1 - 5 of 5
Robert Panara literature collection
Fiction, plays, mysteries, poetry, and romances featuring deaf characters and collected by Robert Panara, first Deaf faculty member of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf at Rochester Institute of Technology.
Harry Lang collection of Robert Panara books by Shakespeare
The Harry Lang collection of Robert Panara books by Shakespeare contains fourteen books and plays written by William Shakespeare and used by Robert Panara to teach Shakespeare at NTID.
Marilyn Fowler collection on NTID Medical Records Technology Program
The Marilyn Fowler collection on NTID Medical Records Technology Program contains two scrapbooks with historical information and photographs of students and faculty in the program from its' inception to closing in 1994.
Karen Christie collection of play scripts and conference brochures
Karen Christie collection of play scripts and conference brochures contains 17 programs from conferences for the Deaf held between 1991-2012. Also included in the collection are scripts from nine plays written by various authors for NTID theater and Rochester Community Lights On!