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Showing Results: 21 - 30 of 51
Student drama clubs collection
This collection accrues materials from RIT's student-run theater and drama clubs. It includes administrative and financial documents, correspondence, playbills, promotional materials, rehearsal schedules, advertising, scrapbook, and clippings.
RIT Spring Weekend collection
Materials related to the Rochester Institute of Technology's (RIT) Spring Weekend, an annual event for members of the RIT community. The collection contains planning documents such as meeting minutes, correspondence, and notes, as well as event programs, fliers, newsletters, a movie about the 1966 Spring Weekend and other promotional materials.
RIT campus ministries collection
Materials related to the religious activities, programs, and organizations on the Rochester Institute of Technology's campus. The collection includes fliers for programs and events, clippings, correspondence, and student groups. There is also information on the school's Center for Religious Life, dedicated in 1985.
RIT Institute of Fellows records
Documents related to the RIT Institute of Fellows and its projects. The Institute of Fellows was founded in 1977 as a way for accomplished retirees to share their expertise with the Rochester Institute of Technology and greater Rochester community through special projects. The collection includes project proposals, final presentations and papers, correspondence, meeting minutes, clippings, and other miscellaneous documents.
Sam Abrams papers
Professional papers of Sam Abrams, the American poet. Abrams taught as a professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology from 1978-2005. The collection includes correspondence, committee notes, fliers, brochures, poems, and class materials. There are also biographical files on various writers.
Paul A. Miller administrative files
Collection of records kept by Paul A. Miller during his time as president of the Rochester Institute of Technology. The collection includes subject files which contain mostly correspondence and clippings, as well as administrative files for the Rochester Urbanarium project. Also included are files on prominent university benefactors.
RIT Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) records
Collection of documents pertaining to the Rochester Institute of Technology's Army and Air Force Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) programs. The collection includes correspondence, planning reports, promotional material, ephemera, and clippings.
M. Richard Rose papers
Papers of M. Richard Rose, president of the Rochester Institute of Technology from 1979-1992. The collection includes biographical material, correspondence, speeches, ephemera, news releases, publications, and clippings.
Rochester Area Colleges collection
Materials related to the Rochester Area Colleges, a consortium of educational institutions in the Genesee Valley Area that was founded in 1970. The collection includes program brochures, correspondence, reports, fliers, and clippings.
RAMI Domestic Science Department records
The collection includes various documents, clippings, publications, financial records, enrollment records and board meeting information related to the Domestic Science Department at RIT. The collection spans from 1893-1989.