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RIT/NTID Deaf Studies Archive (DSA) ephemera
RIT academic calendars
Assorted calendars outlining courses, schedules and information regarding classes. The calendars range from 1930-1995.
RIT academic calendar studies records
The collection contains various records, correspondence, surveys and clippings related to RIT’s Calendar Studies.
Golden Circle luncheon directories, pin and calendars
Materials related to the annual RIT Alumni Association event, the Golden Circle luncheon held during Brick City Homecoming. The Golden Circle luncheon honors RIT alumni who graduated 50 years ago. The collection includes name directories of attendees and a commemorative pin given to participants.
Center for Campus Life events calendars
The Center for Campus life events calendars include quarterly calendars of student events on campus between 2000-2009.
RIT Calendar Task Force records
These folders contain records from RIT’s Calendar Task Force. The Institute Task Force on the Calendar was formed in the fall of 1990 in response to concerns from administrators and faculty regarding the feasibility of different calendar formats. These records include reports, recommendations, and proposals derived from impact studies initiated by various subcommittees.
Geneseean publications and calendars
Geneseean publications and calendars contains issues number 1, April 1969 through number 8, 1978/79 of the Geneseean, and number 9, 1980 and number 11, 1982 which are in calendar format. Both publications are projects of students in the School of Photographic Arts & Sciences at RIT.
Joe and Ann Watson collection on Shop One
The Joe and Ann Watson collection on Shop One consists of a 1990 School of American Craftmen's calendar and eight photographs of Shop One goods and artists.
RIT Student Activities calendars
RIT Student Activities calendars are a collection of annual calendars published by the Office of Student Affairs between the years of 1962 through 1986.
Harold Kentner collection
This collection contains materials related to Harold Kentner’s career with the College of Continuing Education (CCE) and RIT's Evening School; the introduction and development of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf; and the community outreach of Assistant Dean of the Extended Services Division of CCE at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Included are annual reports, correspondence, photographs, RIT publications and clippings relating to these subjects.