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Showing Results: 1 - 10 of 19
Joyce Goode quilt
The collection consists of a hand made hanging quilt, titled Red Dawn@2007. The artist, Jane Goode was a 1974 RIT Art & Design graduate.
Rik Moeller student photography assignments
Contains 3 photography class assignments from RIT student Rik Moeller, including photographs, transparencies, and written essays.
Media Cafe Retrospective dvds
18 dvds of student works from the Media Cafe Retrospective. The Media Cafe is a media-based exhibition site in the Fine Art Photo Department in the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences at the Rochester Institute of Technology.
Emily A. Clements course manuals
Emily A. Clements course manuals consist of four volumes. Each contains typewritten lecture notes, artwork images, and assignments for a History of Painting and Sculpture class at the Rochester Atheneum and Mechanics Institute.
Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute lantern slides
Collection of lantern slides regarding the Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute, a precursor to Rochester Institute of Technology. Most images depict students in various departments and administrative documents.
RIT Photographic Document project
The RIT Photographic Document project contains the work of School of Photographic Arts students. This documentary photographic survey captured RIT, its environs, community, and activities.
RIT Subject Files
The RIT Subject Files is a collection of materials pertaining to all aspects of RIT. The collection was created by individual donations of materials that were assembled by category over the years.
RIT Photo House shirts and member directory
T-shirts and a sweatshirt promoting Photo House, a special interest dormitory for RIT students, as well as a 2014-15 membership directory.
Film Video Animation Student Association t-shirts
T-shirts from FVASA, the Film Video Animation Student Association at RIT.
RIT College of Fine and Applied Arts films and soundtrack
The collection consists of two motion picture films an lp record and CD soundtrack promoting the School of Art and Design and the School for American Craftsmen at RIT.