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RIT Community Service Club House records
Records of the Community Service Club House at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). The house was started around 1982 as a "special interest" residence hall for students at RIT interested in community service. The collection includes administrative items, meeting minutes, governance documents, budgeting materials, newsletters, ephemera, project information, and other related items. Photographic materials, a banner, a button were added to the collection in September 2012.
Black Awareness Coordinating Committee records
Records of the Rochester Institute of Technology's Black Awareness Coordinating Committee. The organization was formed in 1969 to provide a community for minority students on campus. The collection includes historical information, program announcements, newsletters, financial records, governance documents, clippings, and other related material.
RIT Ombuds Office records
Correspondence, annual reports, and promotional materials from the Rochester Institute of Technology's Ombud's office.
RIT Residence Halls Association correspondence, newsletters, and other material
Materials related to the Rochester Institute of Technology's (RIT) Residence Halls Association. The Residence Halls Association is a student organization that represents the interests of students living the university's residence halls to RIT's administration. The collection includes correspondence, newsletters, and memorabilia.
RIT Women's Residence Hall Association records
Materials related to the Rochester Institute of Technology's (RIT) Women's Residence Hall Association and its activities. The collection includes promotional materials, constitutions, and a visitors' book from several group functions.
RIT Men's Residence Halls' Association correspondence and publications
Materials related to the Men's Residence Halls' Association and its activities. The Men's Residence Halls' Association was a student group that represented the interests of male students living in the dormitories on the Rochester Institute of Technology's campus. The collection includes correspondence and a copy of the group's constitution.
RIT Women's Residence Halls collection
Collection of materials related to the women's residence halls at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), particular those on the old city campus. The collection includes promotional materials, policies, proposals, stated objectives, and clippings.
RIT Phi Gamma Dektol fraternity collection
Small collection of clippings and correspondence related to Phi Gamma Dektol, an unofficial fraternity of photography majors at RIT. The collection also includes a pin and mug belonging to Dektol member William E. Carnahan.
Media Cafe Retrospective dvds
18 dvds of student works from the Media Cafe Retrospective. The Media Cafe is a media-based exhibition site in the Fine Art Photo Department in the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences at the Rochester Institute of Technology.
RIT Photographic Document project
The RIT Photographic Document project contains the work of School of Photographic Arts students. This documentary photographic survey captured RIT, its environs, community, and activities.