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Ralph L. Hoag collection
Photos, correspondence, and publications of Ralph L. Hoag. Hoag served as Executive Secretary to the National Advisory Board that established the National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID) at Rochester Institute of Technology.
RIT Graphic Identification System collection
Materials related to the development of a graphic identification system at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) in the early 1970s. The collection includes correspondence, logos, mechanicals, letterhead, decals, sketches, brochures, and mock-ups.
RIT news clippings collection
Newspaper articles and clippings pertaining to Rochester Institute of Technology.
Zoe Horowicz RIT news clipping collection
Collection of news clippings regarding RIT as compiled by library volunteer and advocate Zoe Horowicz.
RIT news release collection
The collection contains issued press releases compiled into scrapbooks by the RIT Office of Communications. The collection also includes document boxes of loose news releases given to the archives at various times.
RIT scrapbooks and guestbooks
RIT scrapbooks consist of newspaper clippings regarding the Rochester Institute of Technology.
Rochester Athenaeum collection
Materials related to the Rochester Athenaeum and its operations. The Athenaeum was founded in 1829 as an educational institute and is an early predecessor of the Rochester Institute of Technology. The collection contains excerpts from local newspapers, charter documents for the organization, member lists, a copy of Charles Perkins's address to the Athenaeum, and information on Reynolds Arcade. Also included is a subscription book for the organization.
Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics' Association collection
Materials related to the Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics' Association, a predecessor of the Rochester Institute of Technology. The collection contains historical information on the organization, as well as membership tickets, a secretary's book, copies of the library's catalog, a member register, and a copy of the organization's constitution.
Franklin Institute of Rochester collection
Documents related to the Franklin Institute in Rochester, N.Y. The Institute existed from 1826-1833 and was an early predecessor of the Rochester Institute of Technology. The collection includes newspaper excerpts and a membership list.
Rochester Athenaeum and Young Men's Association collection
Materials relating to the Rochester Athenaeum and Young Men's Association (RAYMA). A predecessor of the Rochester Institute of Technology, RAYMA was formed in 1838 when the Rochester Athenaeum merged with the Young Men's Association. The collection contains fliers for RAYMA activities, as well as a list of individuals who gave lectures to the organization.