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Robert Panara collection on Patrick Graybill

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: RITDSA-0029

Scope and Contents

Robert Panara interviewed Patrick Graybill on July 5, 2004. The interview was recorded on four VHS tapes:

  • First 2-hour session (Close up of Panara only)
  • First 2-hour session (Wide view of both people)
  • Second 2-hour session (Close up of Panara only)
  • Second 2-hour session (Wide view of both people)
  • Dates

    • Creation: 2004

    Conditions Governing Access

    This collection is open to researchers.

    Biographical Information: Patrick Graybill and Robert Panara

    About Patrick Graybill

    Patrick Graybill attended the Kansas School for the Deaf, and earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Gallaudet University. Graybill worked in Deaf theatre, and joined the National Theatre of the Deaf in 1969. He has also taught in the performing arts department of the National Institute for the Deaf (NTID) at Rochester Institute of Technology. He served as the 2009-2010 Deaf Artist-in-Residence at the Rochester School for the Deaf (RSD), teaching students in public speaking, acting, and storytelling. In 2010, RSD renamed its annual storytelling festival “The Patrick A. Graybill Storytelling Festival,” in honor of his contributions to the Deaf community.

    About Robert Panara

    The first Deaf faculty member at NTID, and a key figure in its history, Robert Panara was hired in 1967 to assist in establishing NTID on RIT's campus. He was instrumental in planning NTID's curriculum and preparing RIT's staff with ASL classes. He taught English at NTID and founded the Drama Club in 1970, which has grown into a full performing arts program with numerous productions yearly in the theater at NTID named in his honor. It was at the celebration of NTID's 20th anniversary in 1988 that the Robert F. Panara Theatre was dedicated. Panara is recognized as one of the founders of the National Theatre of the Deaf. He was the only deaf member of the National Advisory Board, and the first NTID faculty member. He was also awarded the RIT Founders Award for his lifetime of achievement and devoted service to RIT. Panara retired from NTID in 1987.

    Robert Panara died in 2014 at the age of 94.


    0.5 Linear Feet (1 Clamshell box)




    Robert Panara's video recording of an oral history interview with Patrick Graybill. The interview was conducted as part of the Deaf Rochester History Preservation Project.


    The collection consists of four VHS videotapes.

    Immediate Source of Acquisition

    Accession number(s): 11:14

    The Robert Panara collection on Patrick Graybill was donated to the Deaf Studies Archive in 2011 by National Technical Institute for the Deaf faculty member Aaron Kelstone.

    Processing Information

    Finding aid created by Amy Vilz in October 2011.

    Robert Panara collection on Patrick Graybill
    RIT/NTID Deaf Studies Archive
    Amy Vilz
    10 October 2011
    Description rules
    Describing Archives: A Content Standard
    Language of description
    Script of description
    Language of description note

    Repository Details

    Part of the RIT Archives Repository

    Rochester NY 14623 USA