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Metaproject collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RITArc-0801

Collection Scope and Content Note

The Metaproject collection is a compilation of the processes and products from RIT’s Industrial Design curriculum and industry partnership called Metaproject. Materials include original sketches, notes, research, photographs, videos, mock-ups, prototypes, and production versions. Annual design books and digital media kits are also part of this collection. Additional scope and content information can be found in the Contents List section of this finding aid.

The Metaproject collection is arranged into two series, one of which has been further divided into subseries. The physical materials are housed in two document boxes, eight records cartons, five archival storage boxes, and six oversized flat boxes, as well as loose objects on shelving units. Digital materials are housed on the RIT Libraries’ network and are accessible on-site in the RIT Archives.


  • Creation: 2010 - 2024


Conditions Governing Access

Portions of this collection are stored off-site and will require advanced notice to access.

Conditions Governing Use

This collection is open for research use.

Historical Note

Developed by Vignelli Distinguished Professor Josh Owen, “Metaproject” is used as a thematic umbrella referring to an industry partnership, placing student output into a global venue. Per the philosophy touted by the Vignelli Center for Design Studies, Metaproject aims to encourage students to produce design that is “semantically correct, syntactically correct, and pragmatically understandable, but also visually powerful, intellectually elegant and timeless.” For more information, see the Metaproject website at

Materials will be added to this collection annually as each Metaproject is completed.


30 Linear Feet (two document boxes, eight records cartons, five archival storage boxes, and six oversized flat boxes, as well as loose objects on shelving units)

6.4 Gigabytes (Digital files)




The Metaproject collection is a compilation of the processes and products from RIT’s Industrial Design curriculum and industry partnership called Metaproject. This collection contains documentation on more than a dozen projects; additional materials will be added to the collection as each Metaproject is completed.

System of Arrangement

Series I: Metaproject history, 2011-2024

Series II: Project work, 2011-2024

  • Subseries A: Metaproject 01 - The Nodule, 2010-2011
  • Subseries B: Metaproject 02 - Desktop White Noise Generator, 2011-2012
  • Subseries C: Metaproject 03 - Blockitecture, 2012-2013
  • Subseries D: Metaproject 04 - Invitation Chair, 2013-2015
  • Subseries E: Metaproject 05 - Hoop and Hang, 2014-2015
  • Subseries F: Metaproject 06 - Foot Pebble, 2015-2016
  • Subseries G: Metaproject 07 - LIMBO, 2016-2017
  • Subseries H: Metaproject 08 - Good Luck Restaurant, 2017-2018
  • Subseries I: Metaproject 09 - Cloud Sweeper, 2018-2019
  • Subseries J: Metaproject 10 - Stacking Reminder, 2019-2020
  • Subseries K: Metaproject 11 - The New Statue, 2020-2021
  • Subseries L: Metaproject 12 - The Haven, 2021-2022
  • Subseries M: Metaproject 13 - Shell Chair, 2022-2023
  • Subseries N: Metaproject 14 - Vibration, 2023-2024

Custodial History

Metaproject materials have been transferred to the RIT Archives since 2011. Previously, each creator and Metaproject were assigned their own resource identifier; in 2024, the decision was made to combine all Metaproject-related materials into one collection. These included:

• Francesca Pezze Metaproject collection (previously RITArc-0262), Accession #2011:046 received in June 2011 from Pezze (1 box, 3 mock-ups, 1 prototype);

• Andrew Miller Metaproject collection (previously RITArc-0418), Accession # 2012:057 received in September 2012 from Miller (1 box);

• James M. Paulius Metaproject collection (previously RITArc-0514), Accession #s 2013:035, 2015:036, 2017:061, 2018:046, and 2018:074 received between June 2013 and December 2018 from Paulius (3 boxes and separate objects);

• Alexander Bennett Metaproject collection (previously RITArc-0513), Accession #s 2014:039 and 2015:035, received in April 2014 and April 2015 from Bennett (3 boxes, prototypes, and final product);

• Jane Lim Metaproject collection (previously RITArc-0608), Accession #2015:070 received in July 2015 from Lim (2 boxes);

• Veronica Lin Metaproject collection (previously RITArc-0658), Accession #s 2016;021 and 2018:066 received in June 2016 and August 2018 from Lin (1 box, digital);

• Vincent Y. Lin Metaproject collection (previously RITArc-0684), Accession #s 2017:049, 2018:001, and 2018:005 received in August 2017 and October 2018 from Lin (2 boxes, final product);

• Good Luck restaurant Metaproject collection (previously RITArc-0707), Accession # 2018:047, received in August 2018 from Josh Owen (1 box, digital files);

• Sumin-Petal Oh Metaproject collection (previously RITArc-0722), Accession #s 2019:051 and 2019:064, received in June 2019 from Oh (1 box, digital files);

• Accession #s 2019:111, 2020:018, and 2022:19, received in December 2019, May 2021, and March 2022 from Yuke Liu (1 box, digital files);

• Accession #2021:006, received in July 2021 from Tiree Walker (1 folder);

• Accession #2024:024, received in April 2024 from Daechan Kim (1 box, 1 folder);

• Metaproject design books (previously RITArc-0721), Accession #2018:009, received in February 2018 from Josh Owen (books, coasters, booklet).

Revision Note

Previously, each creator and “Metaproject” were assigned their own resource identifier; in 2024, the decision was made to combine all Metaproject-related materials into one collection. (The earlier resource identifiers are indicated in the Custodial History note but are now rendered defunct.)

Processed by

Original processing on Metaproject-related collections previously done by Becky Simmons, Jody Sidlauskas, Lisa Witt, Jennifer Roeszies, and Ella von Holtum between 2011 and 2021. Revisions by Julia Novakovic, October-December 2024.

Finding Aid to the Metaproject Collection, 2011-2024
Julia Novakovic
11 December 2024
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Revision Statements

  • 11 December 2024: Previously, each creator and “Metaproject” were assigned their own resource identifier; in 2024, the decision was made to combine all Metaproject-related materials into one collection. (The earlier resource identifiers are indicated in the Custodial History note but are now rendered defunct.)

Repository Details

Part of the RIT Archives Repository

Rochester NY 14623 USA